The Miami Dad: 3 Ways I Stay in Touch With My Daughter

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

3 Ways I Stay in Touch With My Daughter

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc., and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.  #CloudPetsForever #CollectiveBias

My daughter, Amberly, is my world. Her birth changed my life forever. She made me a dad, the most important job I will ever have. Deciding to separate from her mom when she was only two was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made, not because my relationship was ending but because I knew that I wouldn't see Amberly every single day. Ever since then, I look forward to the weekends when I get to see her (and her brother!) 

Over the past six years, I have tried hard to maintain as much contact with her as possible, not just every other weekend. It's important for me to have an open line of communication with her. It's important for her to know I will be there for her, no matter what. My ex (her mom) and I get along well so it does make things a lot easier on everyone involved. I stay in touch with Amberly all week long.


The easiest way to stay in touch with her is by calling. At first, we had a set time once a week where we would talk over the phone. Thankfully, she has always been a big talker and has always loved talking on the phone with me. Since she started school, the phone calls are more frequent, at least twice a week. She will call me or I will call her. We discuss homework, behavior or just a quick Wednesday morning call to say "Happy hump day!"


Sometimes phone calls are not enough! When I see her on the weekends, the first thing she does is run and give me a big hug. She does not let go. I know she has missed me as much as I have missed her. She is the cuddly type so when I heard about CloudPets™, I knew it would be perfect for her!

3 Ways I Stay in Touch With My Daughter #CloudPetsForever #ad

CloudPets™ are these cute stuffed animals that lets you stay in touch with your loved ones. CloudPets™ lets you download a free app, register your animal and then you get to send a message to the pet. Your loved one hears the message on the pet and then record a message back! CloudPets™ come with parental controls and only invited friends and family can send a message to your pet. 


Another way I stay in touch with Amberly is to be present. When she is around, my attention is on her. We don't see each other as much as we would like so why be on the phone or working when she is around? My weekend is devoted to her (and her brother!) when they are over. We play, read books, go on outings, always something and always together! Now, I am present, no matter what. If there is a school function, I am there. She can't understand homework explanations over the phone, I drive to her house and we figure it out. Always available and always present is the perfect way to let her know how much I love her!

3 Ways I Stay in Touch With My Daughter #CloudPetsForever #ad

I can't wait to see her this weekend and gift her her new CloudPets™ Unicorn. The unicorn is exclusive to Walmart. CloudPets™ are also available as a Kitty, Bear, Puppy and Bunny!

Have you seen CloudPets™ at your local Walmart? Who would you gift one too?

1 comment:

  1. You are an awesome Daddy! I love these CloudPets for so many reasons, but I know your daughter is going to squeal when she sees that Unicorn! [client]
