The Miami Dad: Why I Crossfit

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Why I Crossfit

Crossfit: You either love it or loathe it. I personally love it. Why? Because I enjoy the workouts. I enjoy the camaraderie and it's a workout I can tailor to fit me. I go to my "box" at least 4 times a week. I wake up extra early, like 4:30 a.m., just to be able to work out and be back home to take the kids to school.

Why I Crossfit

I need to workout. I feel better physically and emotionally after a grueling workout. I was an active child and a teenager athlete. My activity level went down during college (studying architecture and raising two small children leaves no time for anything else) and I felt gross. I started Crossfit in September of 2011 and have never looked back or felt better.

Why I Crossfit

The WOD's are difficult. FRAN and JACKIE are not my friends. HERO WOD's are grueling but worth every second of movement put into them. I have incredible overall strength and endurance that I would have never gotten with "normal" workouts. With Crossfit, every day is a different workout and every day I feel sore.  I also enjoy the competitions. I have participated in 4 or 5 and each time, they kick my ass. They make me work harder, train harder and try to be the best I can be. 

Why I Crossfit

My family fully supports my Crossfit life. They love that I am strong and fit. They come to every competition and spend hours waiting around just to watch me compete for a few minutes. Ida is very understanding on my nutritional needs and makes meals and shakes in advance so I am eating the right stuff all the time. I don't do Paleo or any crazy diet. I follow basic nutrition guides and eat LOTS of food (I have an extremely fast metabolism). Crossfit is definitely a lifestyle and I'm glad I joined it. 

Do you Crossfit? What do you like or loathe about Crossfit?

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